Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guide to Lady Deathwhisper


  • 10 Man: 3.3M (3.3M Mana)
  • 25 Man: 13.4M (14M Mana)
  • Berserk: 10 min


  • Mana Barrier - Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that continually replenishes any lost health, at the expense of the caster's mana. Instant
  • Dominate Mind - Mind controls the target. Damage increased by 200%. Healing increased by 500%. Lasts 20 sec. Unlimited range. Instant
  • Death and Decay - 3000 Shadow damage inflicted every 1.0 sec to all targets in the affected area for 10 sec. 100 yd range. Instant
Phase 1 Only:
  • Shadow Bolt - Inflicts 9188 to 11812 Shadow damage to an enemy. 100 yd range. 2 sec cast
  • Dark Empowerment - Empowers the recipient, causing them to gain additional abilities.
Phase 2 Only:
  • Frost Bolt - Inflicts 44850 to 47150 Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed by 50% for 4 sec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast
  • Vengeful Spirit - Deathwhisper summons a Vengeful Spirit. Vengeful Spirit persues a player for a short period of time. If caught, they will explode for 17370 to 18630 Shadowfrost damage to the target.
  • Touch of Insigificance - Reduces the target's threat generation by 20%. Instant. Stacks to five. Lasts 30 seconds.
Cult Adherant (Reanimated Adherant):
  • Frost Fever - A disease dealing Frost damage every 3 sec and reducing the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 14% for 15 sec. Unlimited range. Instant
  • Curse of Torpor - Afflicts an enemy target with a curse that increases ability cooldowns by 15 sec. 100 yd range. 1 sec cast
  • Deathchill Bolt - Deals 8788 to 10212 Shadowfrost damage to an enemy target. 45 yd range. 2 sec cast
  • Dark Empowerment - Empowers the recipient's spells, causing them to deal area damage and making them uninterruptable. 200 yd range. 2 sec cast
  • Deathchill Blast - Deals 9250 to 10750 Shadowfrost damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. 45 yd range. 2 sec cast (cast under Dark Empowerment)
  • Shroud of the Occult - Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that deflects all harmful magic, prevents cast interruption, and absorbs up to 100000 damage before breaking. Instant (cast under Dark Empowerment)
  • Dark Martyrdom - The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 18000 Plague damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind. 200 yd range. 4 sec cast
  • Adherent's Determination - Nearly impervious to magical damage. 99% reduction. Always active (Only Reanimated)
Cult Fanatic (Reanimated Fanatic):
  • Shadow Cleave - Inflicts 15913 to 17587 Shadow damage to enemies in front of the attacker. Melee range. Instant
  • Necrotic Strike - Strikes an enemy with a cursed blade, dealing 70% of weapon damage to the target and inflicting a lasting malady that negates the next 15000 healing received. Melee range. Instant
  • Vampiric Might - Empowers the caster with dark might, increasing all damage dealt by 25% and heal the caster for 300% of his damage dealt. Instant (cast under Dark Empowerment)
  • Dark Martyrdom - The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 18000 Plague damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind. 200 yd range. 4 sec cast
  • Fanatic's Determination - Nearly impervious to physical damage. 99% reduction. Always active (Only Reanimated)

Phase 1:

This fight is a bit like Akama or M'uru. In which most of the hard part is to deal with adds. Then an easier part burning the boss down.
The raid should all stand behind her up on the platform, on top of the stairs. This allows everyone to be relatively close for ease of target switching and healing. Also if you stay above, it forces Line of Sight to get the adds to come to you. The raid can position themselves behind her before the pull if you hug the walls (think Morogrim).
Mana Barrier
When pulled, she'll put up a Mana Barrier. Which means all damage done to her will instead drain her mana. This marks Phase 1. Deplete that mana to start Phase 2. There is no aggro in this phase, your dps can go all out on her inbetween adds.
Shadow Bolts
Meanwhile she just randomly casts Shadow Bolts to people in the raid. Something to heal through. This is only in Phase 1.
Dominate Mind
In 25 man only, she will occasionally mind control people. The usual doing more damage and healing and growing real large. Like Kel'thuzad thing. CC those people. Don't kill them.
Heroic: In 25 man she'll MC 3 people at a time. In 10 man, she will MC 1 person.
Death and Decay
She will be randomly dropping green puddles of do not stand in void zones shit. Obviously, do not stand in them, they can really hurt.
On either side of the room, in those glowing alcoves, adds will spawn. One from each, so 3 from each side total. Alternating type of adds, that is, it'll be Fanatic, Adherent, Fanatic on one side, and Adherent, Fanatic, Adherent on the other side.
In 10 man, only 1 side will spawn at a time, alternating. In 25 man, both sides spawn at the same time, with an additional one coming from the back (or the entrance where you came).
Use the platform LoS to bottleneck them to your raid. They continue to spawn on a timer throughout all of Phase 1.
Heroic: The waves come in faster and continue to spawn into Phase 2. Except, in 25 man, only 1 side at a time alternating, like how 10 man is. In 10 man, it's the extra add from the back that spawns, like how the 25 man has one.
Dark Empowerment
Deathwhisper will occasionally empower adds, giving them more and dangerous abilities (explained later).
She will also be able to resurrect the skeletal remains of adds. That is only those that died to Dark Martyrdom. This is something all adds can do, they randomly just explode leaving "skeletal remains" behind. These are the targets Deathwhisper can revive.
Cult Adherent
The caster type add that spawns. Does not need to be particularly tanked. Mainly casts Deathchill Bolt, which can be kicked or just healed through.
There's Frost Fever, a disease that slows attack speeds. And the most annoying move to your raid, Curse of Torpor. It's a 15 sec curse in which every ability you perform will be given a 15 sec CD. So if not careful, you'll lock out all your main abilities. Decurse it.
Last major thing is Shroud of the Occult in which he'll reflect all spells back, absorb about 100K of damage, and prevents interrupts. So this is where physical dps is best for this mob. But, if you are caster heavy, you can try to kill these before the Shroud is put up, which happens randomly.
Empowered Adherent
When empowered, he changes from casting Deathchill Bolts into Deathchill Blasts. This means his target receives aoe splash damage, so it's more dangerous. More important to interrupt, or burn through that Shroud so you can interrupt.
Reanimated Adherant
After being resurrected, it's basically the same abilities as a normal Adherent. Except, it is now 99% impervious to magic attacks. So physical dps have to take these down.
Cult Fanatic
These are the melee type mobs and must be tanked. It hits hard and cleaves, so tank and face away. Also does a Necrotic Strike, which negates about 14K of healing, think like Jaraxxus' Incinerate Flesh but without the time limit inferno afterwards and it's on the tanks.
Also does Vampiric Might increasing his damage by 25%, and heals for 300% of the damage it does, so that should be dispelled, or spell stolen, or something. Extra damage is always bad.
Deformed Fanatic
This is what happens when Deathwhisper empowers these adds. They hit really really hard now. But they also move slower. Your best bet is to start kiting these. Hunters or something or other. Ranged will want to switch and finish these ASAP.
Reanimated Fanatic
This time, they're 99% impervious to physical attacks. So your casters' turn to deal with these.

Phase 2:

Phase 2 will start the after you burn off all her mana. Aggro is reset, so have a tank be ready to pick her up. Would be ideal to push her over after adds are cleared inbetween add waves. Otherwise, clean up remaining adds before the raid deals with her.
She continues to have Phase 1 abilities such as Dominate Mind (if applicable) and Death and Decay. Only the Shadow Bolts stop and they change to the below abilities.
The shadow bolts stop and frost bolts begin. These do about 50K unmitigated, and does not appear to be resistible. They are interruptable though. Set up your kick rotation to save your tank unnecessary damage.
Frostbolt Volley
The other thing he does. Not interruptable, basic raid wide aoe damage to heal through. And snares you too.
Touch of Insignificance
This kind of forces a 2 tank fight in Phase 2. It's a stacking debuff that reduces the tank's threat generation by 20%, stacks to 5.
Well it's not exactly a tank killer debuff, it will eventually make your dps pull aggro. It is one tankable if you have enough Tricks of the Trade, Misdirections, and aggro drops to carry your raid through it. Otherwise, trade taunts.
Heroic: She is not tauntable in heroic mode. This forces a more Gurtogg like tank switches. In that the dps have to stay below the threat of both tanks. Switch your MD's and Tricks to current tanks appropriately.
Vengeful Shades
She will begin summoning these ghosts. Similar to those ghosts you see that spawn after something dies and follows you around doing damage but you can't hurt them back. If you remember those, yea those.
Similar to that, the Shade will follow someone randomly. If it touches you, you get hurt. So run away to avoid damage.
Heroic: The Shades will not just hurt one person, but explode hurting everyone within 20 yards. This makes an emphasis on the target of the Shade to run the hell out of the raid and away from people.

Hard Mode Summary:
More health and damage obviously. In particular to note Death and Decay will really really hurt if you don't run out of it.
Add waves come in faster. Also they continue in Phase 2, but reduced in numbers. In 25 man, only 1 side will spawn at a time, alternating, similar to 10 man. In 10 man, 1 add continues to spawn from the back, similar to the extra add in 25 man.
In Phase 2 she is not tauntable. Tank switches must be done similar to Gurtogg, with dps staying below both tanks in threat. Using Tricks and MDs will help with that. It can be one tanked with enough of those to throw at your tanks if you're willing to try that.
The Vengeful Shades will do a 20 yard explosion instead of single target blast, so that guy has to run run run.


Full House - Defeat Lady Deathwhisper with at least five different types of Cultists active at the time of her demise in 10/25-player mode.
It does require some RNG and constant CC / kiting. Here's what we did (in 10 man at least):
1. Leave the first wave up. Watch if any of them transforms into what we need. If they do...
  • Deformed Fanatic are to be kited the rest of fight
  • Reanimated Fanatic are to be chain feared by pallies
  • Reanimated Cultist are to be shackled
2. When the 2nd wave appears, kill off any extras you may have accumulated. You only need 1 of each of the above (for now).
3. Meanwhile, burn Deathwhisper's mana to very low, and wait. Wait til you do have all 3 of the above. Continue killing extras, you may wish to kill off the olders ones as newer ones likely have more HP.
4. When you do get all 3, wait for the next wave to spawn and quickly burn down the shield, Heroism and everything. This hopefully prevents Deathwhisper from doing anything to that wave of adds so you'd get your normal Fanatics and Adherents.
5. Kill off extras again if you have them. Kill Deathwhisper.

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