- A group of former high elves shunned for their magic addiction and abandoned by members of the Alliance, turned to the Horde to help them reach Outland and achieve their destiny. These elves have a strong alliance with the Forsaken with whom they share a similar fate and former denizens (high elven banshees and dark rangers).
- Led by Lor'themar Theron, Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas, following the death of the maddened Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Blood Elves
Sunday, May 27, 2012
The Undead
- A group of undead released from the control of the Lich King, who have set up a truce and an alliance of convenience with the other members of the Horde.
- The group also consists of other undead creatures, such as the val'kyr, that chose to join the forsaken after the Lich King's death.
- Led by the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner
- Capital is the Undercity in Tirisfal Glades.
- They also have holdings in Silverpine Forest, the Hillsbrad Foothills and the Western Plaguelands, as well as towns in the Howling Fjord and the Dragonblight in Northrend.
- The Royal Apothecary Society - a faction of forsaken alchemists trying to create a new plague to wipe out the Scourge and other forms of life.
- The forsaken contribute Vampire Bats and Skeletal Horses to the horde forces and use them as mounts. These are regular beasts with no sentient mind.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Tauren
- A race of noble creatures, native to Kalimdor, who befriended the orcs and offered them spiritual guidance and aid.
- Led by High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof, following the death of his father Cairne.
- Lesser leaders include: Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem
- Capital is Thunder Bluff in Mulgore.
- They also have camps in the Barrens, Thousand Needles, Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace, Feralas and Felwood. They have also sent ambassadors to their cousins, the taunka, in Northrend.
- They lend their mighty kodo beasts to the Horde's efforts.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The Trolls
- Originally from a small chain of islands in the Great Sea. Eventually joined Thrall’s journey to Kalimdor and moved to the Echo Isles, but were then rooted out by the Kul Tiras marines. They are forever indebted to the orcs for saving their tribe and giving them a home.
- Led by Shadowhunter Vol'jin.
- Prior to the reclamation of the Echo Isles, Sen'jin Village in mainland Durotar was the main Darkspear settlement. Other troll settlements are located in Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains and Desolace. They also control both of the Horde outposts (Swamprat Post and Zabra'jin) in the Zangarmarsh in Outland.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The Orcs
- Led by Warchief Garrosh Hellscream, named by Thrall to succeed him in the wake of the Cataclysm.
- Lesser leaders include: Varok Saurfang and Drek'Thar.
The Hordes
The Horde is one of the two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart being the Alliance. The Horde, a faction led by off-worlders and composed of outsiders has survived these obstacles by making allies with few of the native races of Azeroth or even uneasy allies. Although its ideals, policies, and beliefs have been revised and membership has changed over time, it is the same Horde inherited by Thrall through Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer.. However, since the mantle of Warchief was passed on to Garrosh Hellscream, the Horde's alliance with other races has began to suffer heavily due to Garrosh's warmongering. A direct example of this are the Troll's under Vol'jin leaving Orgrimmar because of Garrosh's hunger for war and Sylvanas Windrunner ignoring the warchiefs commands and using her plague on her enemies.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Other Alliance Forces
The human nation of Theramore, based in Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh.
- Led by the Third War hero of the alliance, Lady Jaina Proudmoore.
- Founded by various human refugees that ventured to Kalimdor in the midst of the scourge onslaught of the third war, coming from all the human nations.
- The nation is affiliated with the faction of Stormwind.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Alliance Forces : Northrend
- Valiance Expedition - The main forces of the Alliance expedition to Northrend, led previously by Highlord Bolvar Fordragon.
- 7th Legion - A group of Alliance veterans from past wars bent on fighting the threat of Naxxramas in Dragonblight.
- The Silver Covenant - A militant core of high elves that have united under the banner of Vereesa Windrunner who opposes Dalaran's acceptance of the horde races. They join the Alliance forces in Northrend.
- The Frostborn - They reside in the Storm Peaks, a lost race of dwarves led by Yorg Stormheart (who is actually Muradin Bronzebeard with a serious amnesia), and after succeeded by Velog Icebellow.
- [Frosthold]] is their home city and primary base.
- The Frostborn have a special bond with the Stormcrest Eagles of the Storm Peaks.
- The Explorers' League, led by Brann Bronzebeard, searches for rare artifacts and digs into dwarven history.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Alliance Forces : Outland
The Sons of Lothar – Remaining members of the former Alliance Expedition to Draenor following the Second War, who were joined by the new forces of the Alliance with the re-opening of the Dark Portal.
- Stationed mainly in Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula, Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest and the Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Alliance Forces : Azeroth
The uneasy truce between the Alliance and the Horde in the aftermath of the Third War was soon broken when several battlegrounds between various forces of the factions have erupted:
- League of Arathor - The main force of the nation of Stromgarde. In order to supply their war to reclaim the Arathi Highlands (and help supply themselves and The Alliance with valuable resources) the League has invaded the Arathi Basin along with Forsaken forces, with whom they fight vigorously over the rich land.
- Stormpike Guard - A dwarven expedition to the Valley of Alterac in order to search for relics and treasures from the past, have led to open war with the orcs of the Frostwolf clan that resides in the southern parts of the same valley.
- Silverwing Sentinels - The continuous deforesting efforts of the Warsong Orcs that have settled in southern Ashenvale have left the sentinels no choice. The Silverwing sentinels wing was appointed to begin a massive push of the orcs out of the elven homelands.
- Baradin's Wardens - A fierce army that has historic ties to the island stronghold of Tol Barad. They have joined the forces of the Alliance in an effort to repel the Horde, gain control of the strategic island and re-open the island to serve as a prison once again.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Worgen
- Formerly one of the strongest of the human nations, Gilneas was one of the founding members of the Alliance of Lordaeron, sealing itself off from the world after the Second War to avoid being brought into "other people's conflicts". Eventually the Worgen managed to breach the land and started spreading their curse amoung much of the populace. They officially rejoined the Alliance when the Night Elves managed to save them from invading Forsaken.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Draenei
- Refugees of the eredar race fleeing their corrupted brethren, seeking allies to fight against the Burning Legion. They lived on Draenor until the orcish onslaught, and fled from the Legion and the forces of Illidan Stormrage by stealing the Exodar, one of the satellites of Tempest Keep.
- Led by the Prophet Velen.
Monday, May 14, 2012
The Gnomes
- Cousins of the dwarves, joining with their long-time allies to provide technological wonders to aid the Alliance in its fight against its enemies. Their Long-time capital was Gnomeregan, located in western Dun Morogh, but it was invaded by a race of troggs. The gnomes had to flee and find refugee in their cousins' arms in Ironforge, where they built Tinker Town.
- After Operation Gnomeregan, the Gnomes established New Tinkertown as their new base of operations and home while they fight to reclaim their city.
- Led by High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, King of Gnomes.
- Gnomish outposts can be found in Blade's Edge Mountains in Outland and the Borean Tundra in Northrend.
- The highly intelligent and resilient gnomes have devised their own unique robotic mount to use: the mechanostrider.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
The Night Elves
- The night elves have lived peacefully for centuries in the shadowy forests of northern Kalimdor until the events of the Third War when they allied with the survivors of Lordaeron and the Thrall's Horde at the behest of Medivh in order to defeat Archimonde at the Battle of Mount Hyjal. However the continuous deforesting actions of the orcs in the forests of Ashenvale have forced them to break away from the Horde and remain allied with the Alliance alone.
- Led by High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The Dwarves
- The dwarves of Khaz Modan.
- The Kingdom of Ironforge consists mainly out of the Bronzbeard Clan of dwarves, which still reside in the ancient city of all dwarven clans. They pledged themselves to the Alliance following the Bleeding Hollow's invasion of Khaz Modan. After the War of the Three Hammers, the Bronzebeards gained dominance over all Ironforge. During the Cataclysm to prevent the mountain from collapsing. King Magni Bronzebeard performed a ritual in the heart of Old Ironforge which saved the mountain but the process petrified him into diamond statue. With its king impaired, Ironforge was left in political turmoil after Moira declared her son the rightful ruler of the kingdom. In order to prevent civil war, the leaders of each clan formed a council to govern the dwarf races and share the kingdom.
Friday, May 11, 2012
The Humans
- One of the founding members of the Alliance of Lordaeron following Stormwind City's destruction in the First War. The city was restored to prominence after the Second. One of the last few human bastions not affected by the disasters of the Third War.
- Led by King Varian Wrynn, with his son, Prince Anduin Wrynn.
- Other leaders include: Master Mathias Shaw, Leader of SI:7, Archbishop Benedictus, Leader of the Church of the Holy Light and Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Ruler of Theramore
The Faction : Alliance
The Alliance (aka Grand Alliance) is one of two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart being the Horde. The Alliance consists of powerful cultures and groups bound not by desperation or necessity, but by their deep commitments to abstract concepts like nobility and honor. The Alliance was once also known as the Alliance of Lordaeron when its leadership was centered in Lordaeron. However, the Alliance was forced to move the bulk of its forces to Kalimdor and to the southern Eastern Kingdoms continents of Khaz Modan and Azeroth after the plague of undeath ravaged the Kingdom of Lordaeron several years ago. Although the remaining living nations of Lordaeron are not as strong as they once were, they have pledged their loyalty to the Grand Alliance with the hopes of becoming strong once again. Over the course of the years new members and races have joined the Alliance furthering its united strength.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Guide to Anub'arak
- Frost Spheres - ~10K HP, killing them drops a Permafrost.
- Permafrost - Freezes the ground in a small area, preventing most creatures from burrowing through it and reducing movement speed over the area by 30%.
- Penetrating Cold - Sinks into several enemy targets, inflicting 3500 Frost damage every 3 sec. Lasts 18 sec.
- Freezing Slash - Inflicts 25% Frostrike damage to his target, and stuns them for 3 seconds.
- Nerubian Burrower - Spawns a Nerubian Burrower add.
Guide to Faction Champions
This is an arena style pvp fight. Every CC is on pvp durations and will suffer from diminishing returns. They are susceptible to all forms of CC that is applicable to them, except for Mind Control. Also, they have an aura which reduced aoe damage by 75%, not not feasible to simply try to aoe them down like trash.
Here are all the possible npcs you'd face:
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Guide to Twin Val'kryrs
- Dark Essence - Absorbs Dark damage, reduces damage done against Dark targets, and increases damage done against Light targets. Absorbing Dark damage can proc Surge of Speed. Gained by clicking a Dark Essence.
- Light Essence - Absorbs Light damage, reduces damage done against Light targets, and increases damage done against Dark targets. Absorbing Light damage can proc Surge of Speed. Gained by clicking a Light Essence.
- Surge of Speed - Increases movement speed by 70% for 15 seconds.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Guide to Lord Jaraxxus
- Fel Fireball - Inflicts 15,113 to 15,887 (25-Players: 24,375 to 25,625) Fire damage and an additional 5,850 to 6,150 (25-Players: 9,263 to 9,737) Fire damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. Interruptable, magic dispellable.
- Fel Lightning - Inflicts 7,863 to 9,137 (25-Players: 9,713 to 11,287) Fire damage to a random target and jumps to other players nearby, affecting up to 3 (25-Players: 5) targets.
- Incinerate Flesh - Absorbs the next 30,000 (25-Players: 60,000) healing done to the target and reduces damage done by 50%. If the spell is not removed by healing, it will cause Burning Inferno. Lasts 12 seconds or until the spell absorbs its healing limit.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Guide to Northrend Beasts
Gormok the Impaler
- Impale - Inflicts 1,750 to 2,250 (
25-Players: 2,188 to 2,812) Physical damage per application every 2 seconds, for 30 (25-Players: 40) seconds. - Staggering Stomp - Inflicts 7,800 to 8,200 (
25-Players: 11,700 to 12,300) Physical damage to all enemies within 15 yards and interrupts spellcasting for 8 seconds. - Rising Anger - Increases all damage dealt by 15%. Applied every time Gormok throws a Snobold.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Guide to Arthas the Lich King
- 25 Man: 61,300,000
- 10 Man: 17,400,000
- 15 minute Berserk
- Infest - Deals 9425 to 10575 Shadow damage to all enemy players within 50000 yards. In addition, the targets will take increasing Shadow damage per second. This effect is removed when the target has more than 90% health.
- Necrotic Plague - Infests the target with a deadly plague, causing 50000 Shadow damage every 5 sec for 15 sec. If the target dies while afflicted or the effect ends, this effect will gain an additional stack and jump to a nearby unit. If this effect is dispeled, it will lose a stack and jump to a nearby unit. Whenever this effect jumps, The Lich King's power will increase.
- Plague Siphon - Increases physical damage dealt by 2%. Stack increases each time Nectrotic Plague jumps.
- Summon Shambling Horror - Summons a Shambling Horror.
Guide to Sindragosa
- 25 Man: 34,900,000
- 10 Man: 9,760,000
- 10 Minute Berserk
- Cleave - Inflicts normal damage plus 50 to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 10 targets. Melee range. Instant
- Tail Smash - Inflicts 11250 to 18750 damage on enemies in a cone behind the caster, knocking them back. 45 yd range. 1 sec cast
- Frost Aura - Deals 4500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies every 3.0 sec. Instant
- Frost Breath - Inflicts 37000 to 43000 Frost damage to enemies in a 60 yard cone in front of the caster. In addition, the targets' attack speed and chance to dodge are decreased by 50% for 6 sec. Melee range. 1.5 sec cast
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Guide to Valithria Dreamwalker
- 10 Man: 10M
- 25 Man: 30M
- Summon Nightmare Portal - Nightmare Portals let you phase to alternate version of the room with Valithria and Dream Clouds everywhere in the room, killing one of the clouds will buff anyone within 10 yards of the cloud with Emerald Vigor
- Dreamwalker's Rage - Deals 10000000 Nature damage to all NPCs in the room. This is the spell Valithria casts to end the combat if you manage to bring her back to 100% life.
- Emerald Vigor - Regenerating 200 Mana every 3.0 sec. Increases Damage done by 10%. Increases Healing done by 10%
- Dream Slip - This is the spell used by Valithria to teleport out of the Citadel after you saved her.
Guide to Blood Queen Lana'thel
- 10 Man - 18M
- 25 Man - 62.5M
Ground Phase:
- Shroud of Shadow - An aura of sorrow and despair emanates from the caster, inflicting 3000 (4500) Shadow damage every 3.0 sec. to nearby enemies. Instant
- Presence of the Darkfallen - Increases the damage of Shroud of Sorrow by 5% for every vampyr in the room (likely Hard Mode only)
- Blood Mirror - 100% of damage done to linked source is reflected to you as Shadow damage. This affects the person closest to the tank.
Guide to Blood Prince Council
- 10 Man - 8.37M
- 25 Man - 33.5M
Prince Keleseth
- Invocation of Blood - Blood empowers Keleseth, granting him more formidable abilities. He will grow larger when under the effect of this.
- Shadow Lance - Hurls a bolt of dark magic at an enemy, inflicting 17063 to 17937 Shadow damage.
- Tenebrous Shadow Lance - Hurls a bolt of dark magic at an enemy, inflicting 85313 to 89687 Shadow damage. Keleseth casts this when under the effects of Invocation of Blood.
- Shadow Nucleus - Summons a Dark Nucleus. The nearest target resonates with shadow, suffering 1000 damage and reducing Shadow damage taken from all sources by 40% for until cancelled.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Guide to Professor Putricide
- 10 Man: 9.7615M
- 10 Man Heroic: 13.67M
- 25 Man: 42M
- 25 Man Heroic: 50.2M
- Puddle of Slime - The Mutated Slime grows continuously, inflicting 4388 to 4612 damage every 1 sec until it is consumed by another Mutated creature!
- Mutated Transformation - You have been mutated! Inflicts 1950 to 2050 damage to nearby players every 1 sec. Curing the disease will revert the player to their form. This spell turns you into a Mutated Abomination.
Guide to Rotface
- 10 Man: 7.32M
- 10 Man Heroic: 10.458M
- 25 Man: 36.257M
- 25 Man Heroic: 47.413M
- Ooze Flood - The Ooze Flood inflicts 5363 to 5637 damage every 1 sec and reduces move speed by 25% for 5 sec..
- Slime Spray - Raining Green Ooze. Deals 5363 to 5637 Nature to enemies in cone. 1.5 sec cast / Channeled - Deals 6338 to 6662 Nature damage to enemies in a cone infront of the enemy. Instant
- Mutated Infection - The Mutated Infection inflicts 3900 to 4100 damage every 1 sec and reduces healing receieved by 50% for 12 sec. After the Infection is removed a small ooze is created at the target's location. Instant
Guide to Festergut
- 10 Man: 9.412M
- 10 Man Heroic: 13.7M
- 25 Man: 40.44M
- 25 Man Heroic: 52.2M
- Enrage: 5 mins
- Gaseous Blight - The Gaseus Plague inflicts 2925 to 3075 Shadow damage to all nearby players. Instant
- Inhale Blight - Inhales the Gaseous Blight in the room, increasing damage dealt by 30%. 3.5 sec cast, 15 sec cooldown
- Pungent Blight - Violently releases the Gaseous Blight, dealing 48750 to 51250 Shadow damage to all enemy players, releasing the deadly Blight back into the room. 3 sec cast, 15 sec cooldown
- Gas Spore - Unleashes a Gas Spore, inflicting 2-4 random targets with a gaseous spore. The Spore will explode after 12 seconds, inflicting 1950 to 2050 damage to all nearby friends. The damage from the Gas Spore builds the targets immune system, giving them a resistance to the blight. Instant, 18 sec cooldown
- Gastric Bloat - Inflicts 14625 to 15375 damage and applies Gastric Bloat to the target, increasing damage done by 10% for 1.67 min and will cause a Gastric Explosion at 10 stacks inflicting massive damage to nearby allies.
- Vile Gas - Inflicts a Vile plague in targeted area, inflicting 4875 to 5125 damage every 2 sec for 6 sec. The plague causes the infected targets to vomit uncontrollably inflicting 3900 to 4100 damage to nearby allies. Instant
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Guide to Deathbringer Saurfang
- 10 Man - 8.785M
- 10 Man Heroic - 12.3M
- 25 Man - 31.86M
- 25 Man Heroic - 43.93M
- Blood Power - Saurfang grows 1% larger and deals 1% more damage for each point of Blood Power he has. Instant
- Blood Link - Saurfang gains Blood Power from damage he inflicts with abilities and summoned creatures. Instant
- Call Blood Beast - Saurfang calls forth 5 (2 in 10 man) blood beasts every 30 seconds
- Rune of Blood - Saurfang leeches health when he performs melee attacks on targets marked with Rune of Blood. Leeches 5100 to 6900 health from an enemy target and heals Saurfang for 5 times that amount (gains 1 Blood Power per hit)
- Boiling Blood - Boils the blood of an enemy, inflicting 9500 Physical damage every 3 sec for 24 sec, up to 6 players in 25 man (gains 1 Blood Power per tick)
Guide to Gunship Battle
Muradin Bronzebeard / High Overlord Saurfang:
- Battle Fury - Increases all damage done by 5% (7% in 25). Instant (self buff, stacks with each attack)
- Cleave - Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
- Rending Throw - Throws your weapon at the enemy causing 8% weapon damage and an additional 2750 Physical damage every 3.0 sec for 15 sec. Unlimited range. Instant
Gunship Cannon:
- Cannon Blast - Launches a cannonball at the target. Inflicts 1000 Siege damage and generates 6 to 10 Heat.
- Incinerating Blast -Consumes all of the cannon's Heat to launch a massive ball of fire at the target. Inflicts 1000 Siege damage plus additional damage per point of Heat.
Guide to Lady Deathwhisper
- 10 Man: 3.3M (3.3M Mana)
- 25 Man: 13.4M (14M Mana)
- Berserk: 10 min
- Mana Barrier - Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that continually replenishes any lost health, at the expense of the caster's mana. Instant
- Dominate Mind - Mind controls the target. Damage increased by 200%. Healing increased by 500%. Lasts 20 sec. Unlimited range. Instant
- Death and Decay - 3000 Shadow damage inflicted every 1.0 sec to all targets in the affected area for 10 sec. 100 yd range. Instant
Guide to Lord Marrowgar
- 25 Man: 23,700,000
- 25 Man Heroic: 31,376,000
- 10 Man: 6,972,500
- 10 Man Heroic: 10,500,000
- 10 Minute Berserk
- Saber Lash - Inflicts 300% weapon damage (200% in 10 man) split evenly between the target and its 2 nearest allies.
- Coldflame - Inflicts 6,000 Frost damage every 1 second to everyone standing in it
- Bone Spike Graveyard - Impales 3 random players (1 in 10 man) in a Bone Spike, which does 9000 physical damage and then 10% of their maximum health every second until destroyed. Bone Spikes have 63,000 health on 25 man, 39,000 health on 10 man.
- Bone Storm - Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of bone. Does more damage the closer you are to him, about 6000 damage every 2 seconds on top of him, 800 damage when far away.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Account Security
When players create World of Warcraft accounts, they are asked to choose a username and password. Afterward, whenever they play World of Warcraft, they are asked to supply the same username and password in full. This is also the case when using account management facilities online. This type of authentication is vulnerable to keystroke logging. While this is not unique to World of Warcraft and is common to many MMORPGs, the game has been directly targeted with trojans being specifically crafted to capture account login details. Attacks have been reported as early as May 2006, and may extend as far back as July 30, 2005. The game does, however, allow players to save their account name to the program to allow the player to only have to type their password.
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